Bartmann Total Solutions in Steel Buildings

Nicaragua [NI]


0 - Not known
1 - Port function
2 - Rail function
3 - Road function
4 - Airport
5 - Postal exchange office
6 - Multimodal Functions (ICDs, etc.)
7 - Fixed Transport Functions (e.g. Oil platform)
B - Border crossing function

AA - Approved by competent national government agency
AC - Approved by Customs Authority
AF - Approved by national facilitation body
AI - Code adopted by international organization
AS - Approved by national standards/statistic body
RL - Recognized location
RN - Request from credible national sources for locations in their own country
RQ - Request under consideration
RR - Request rejected
QQ - Original entry not verified since date indicated
XX - Entry that will be removed from the next issue of UN/LOCODE

LD LOCODE Name SubDiv 0
Status Date IATA Coordinates
NI BEF Bluefields 1 4 AI 9601
NI BOA Boaco 3 6 RL 307 1228N 08540W
NI BZA Bonanza 4 AI 9601
NI CCG Chichigalpa 3 RL 501 1234N 08702W
NI CHI Chinandega 3 RL 9901
NI CIO Corinto 1 5 AI 9401 1228N 08711W
NI DIR Diriamba 3 6 RL 307 1151N 08614W
NI ELB El Bluff 1 AI 9401 1201N 08344W
NI GRA Granada 3 RL 307 1156N 08557W
NI JGP Juigalpa 3 6 RL 307 1205N 08524W
NI JIN Jinotepe 2 3 RL 706 1151N 08612W
NI JPA Jalapa 3 RL 706 1355N 08608W
NI LEO Leon 3 RL 212 1226N 08653W
NI LPC La Paz Centro 3 RL 501 1220N 08640W
NI LPS Las Perlas 1 SE 9901 1220N 08340W
NI MAL Malacatoya 3 6 RL 307 1209N 08550W
NI MAS Masaya 3 RL 9901
NI MCA Masachapa 1 SE 9901 1146N 08632W
NI MGA Managua 4 5 AI 9601
NI MTG Matagalpa 3 RQ 101
NI MWC Man Of Warcays 1 SE 9901 1302N 08323W
NI NAN Nandaime 3 RL 201 1145N 08603W
NI NCR San Carlos 4 AI 1
NI NUG Nueva Guinea 3 RQ 706 1140N 08427W
NI OCO Ocotal 3 6 RL 307 1338N 08629W
NI PBZ Puerto Benjamin Zeledon 1 SE 9901 1319N 08337W
NI PCG Puerto Cabo Graciasa 1 SE 9901 1500N 08310W
NI PIB Puerto Isabel 1 3 RL 212 1322N 08334W
NI PRI Prinzapolca 1 RQ 9506
NI PSN Puerto Sandino 1 AI 701 1211N 08645W
NI PUZ Puerto Cabezas 1 AI 9601 1402N 08323W
NI QSB Quita Sueno Bank 1 SE 9901 1429N 08108W
NI RAM Rama 1 3 6 RL 307 1209N 08413W
NI RFS Rosita 4 AI 1
NI RIB Rio Blanco 3 RL 212 1256N 08513W
NI RNI Corn Island 4 AI 9601
NI RVV Rivas 3 RL 201 1126N 08549W
NI SBK Serrana Bank 1 SE 9901 1428N 08017W
NI SEB Sebaco 3 RL 307 1251N 08605W
NI SFL San Francisco Libre 3 6 RL 307 1230N 01618W
NI SIU Siuna 4 AI 9601
NI SJN San Juan Del Norte 1 SE 9901 1057N 08343W
NI SJS San Juan del Sur 1 AI 9401 1115N 08553W
NI TEU Teustepe 3 RL 706 1223N 08547W
NI WSP Waspam 4 AI 9601

l Zurück l

BTSSB Bartmann Total Solutions in Steel Buildings
Casa Mondiale - CH-6745 Giornico / TI - Switzerland
Tel.: 0041-(0)91 864 2230 - FAX: 0041-(0)91 864 2235


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